- tilth
- 耕作: tilth; tillage; cultivation; ...
- 耕地: plough; till
- 耕种, 耕地, 耕作: tillage
- 耕地: 1.(用犁把土翻松) plough; till 耕地以种豆 till the land for the bean crop2.(种植农作物的土地) cultivated land [fields]; farmland; tilth; plough land; field land; cultivation land 可耕地 arable land; 未耕地 uncultivated land; 休耕地 fallow land; 耕地面积 area under cultivation; cultivated area; 50英亩耕地 fifty acres of plow
- 耕作: tilth; tillage; cultivation; farming 粗放耕作 extensive cultivation; 耕作层 plough layer; arable layer; plough borizon; 耕作法 expedient of tillage; 耕作方法 methods of cultivation; farming methods; 耕作机械 tillage machine; 耕作技术 farming technique; 耕作农具 tillage implements; 耕作熟化层 agrichorizon; 耕作土 [地质学] mold; 耕作土壤 anthropogenic soil; cultivated soil; cropped soil; 耕作土壤改良 cultivational amelioration; 耕作拖拉机 roy-crop tractor; 耕作者 tiller; cultivator
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